1 min readJun 18, 2020



Usually when the word success pops into one’s mind, he immidiately thinks of a prestigious lifestyle, a luxury car, alot of bank balance and much more. People tend to associate success with fame, money and power. Whereas, in reality the success of a person in my point of view is determined by how much he is satisfied with his life, with his work and with his achievements. Think about a person who has everything in his life one can dream of, yet he is unhappy depressed or unsatisfied. Now, can you consider him as successful? Well, in my opinion the answer is no. These materialistic things are not the determiners of how successful a person is rather it is the peace and satisfaction one has with his life is what determines his success. Wealth and authority may provide you with luxuries but the peace is what makes a person successful. Bringing bacon in your home may pave a way towards your success but this along with fame and authority are not the only standards upon which the success can be monitored or measured. Hence if you want success, i’ll suggest to stop running behind these temporary things and indulge yourself into the activities that bring you peace because peace is what will be your ultimate desire in the end!!!

