live before death

1 min readJun 17, 2020

It’s more than just the count of heartbeat or pulse that determines that a person is alive…its the laughter, the smile, the peace, the energy, the enthusiasm that is the actual determiner to conclude that yes a person is alive. This life is yours to live no one else can live it for you. you can only shower love if first you love yourself. GOD did not create you to give up, rather He created you to live to explore to love and to be loved. We all have a time limit in this world. The clock is ticking. With every sunrise and every sunset a day goes by and you are one step up towards your demise. So rise with every sunrise, blossom with every spring, fly with every blow of wind and when you go to bed; dream; dream so the next day you wake up with ambition to fulfill them. Do whatever you want to do just don’t give up. Failure might be an option but giving up is not…….. LIVE BEFORE YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!

